My name is Krisada.
It means "Power" in Thai.
I have 20+ yrs Experience as a Freelance SEO
Marketing Specialist & ECommerce Website Developer

1st Page Google Rankings
💡 SPOILER ALERT! - #1 Google Rankings aren't the secret sauce

Building strong wholistic SEO methods & strategies into the DNA of a website is how I predictably ring in consistent sales for:
✅ Ad Agencies
✅ Nutraceuticals
✅ Medical Private Practices
✅ Media Marketing & Events
✅ Personal Brands
✅ Ultra Niche Health Conditions
✅ Talent Acquisition & Recruitment
✅ Luxury Real Estate
✅ Vacation Home Real Estate
✅ BIG Tech (Think IBM)
✅ Retail Grocery Stores (Winn-Dixie)
✅ Corporate Restaurants (Sonny's BBQ)
✅ Beverage Industry (B'ham Budweiser)
✅ Online ECommerce retail stores of all kinds like the Custom Bikini Shopify store ringing in sales above.
My latest project, Ready Made Real SEO™ Websites takes the uncertainty out of Search Engine Marketing by creating an out of the box plug & play SEO solution.
Real SEO™ Websites are carefully customized opensource CMS platforms built from the ground up with best practice Real SEO™ techniques.
These custom crafted websites are a culmination of everything I've learned from over 20 years in SEO.
These are fully featured, pure SEO foundations ready for brand design fine tuning, with no distractions from the main goal of getting found first.